Let's Talk Maskne !

Let's Talk Maskne !

Wearing a mask and staying 6 feet apart has become the new norm. Having a mask to match every outfit has somewhat become essential. However, no one told us the amount of dirt and grim those things carry leaving your skin extra dirty. Dry spots & zits in the mask zone have unfortunately become more normal than none. 

It’s called Maskne and it’s Just Annoying.

It’s enough dealing with the usual skin troubles. According to board certified dermatologist Dr. Whitney Bowe, “We all have these tiny little hair follicles on our face, chest and back, and wearing any kind of a mask or protective equipment that creating friction and pressure can irritate the hair follicles and result in an acne flare.”

It’s no secret that the pandemic has put us all under mounds of stress. Combing that with wearing masks has caused some problems. Board-certified Dr. Seemal Desai, and assistant professor at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center  said, “We think that wearing these masks, combined with stress from the pandemic, is causing an increased moisture-rich environment for bacteria and organisms to proliferate causing a breakdown of the skin and flaring of some of these conditions.”

Long behold! There are a few simple steps to help keep that maskne under control.


This is really essential for all the homemade masks and face coverings that are made out of everyday household products. Toss your mask in the washer or hand wash those that are more delicate. According to Dr. Bowe, Masks should be washed and completely dry asker every use!


Using gentle skin care products is a must at all times. Its important to avoid any harsh chemicals or exfoliants that strip your skin of its nutrients. Stripping your skin of this nutrients can create more problems than none! Try to avoid heavy creams and oils, like cocoa butter or coconut oil on your face as these are none to clog pores. Don’t forget to wash your face morning and night. And Finally, throw in an SPF and moisturizer to lock in moisture.

Check out Yamani Essentials Facial Cleansers to help kick your maskne to the curb!

Maintaining a high water intake is key to keeping your skin plump and hydrated. This may be the one controllable factor that can help jumpstart the road to clear skin. Of course drinking water not clear your skin overnight. But, drinking water can help hydrate your skin. Your skin is an organ, and just like any part of the body, its made up of cells, which are made up of water. Depriving your skin of hydration may present itself by turning your skin dry, tight, and flaky…. So as a reminder, just drink more water!


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